Wirth symposium: The Austrian School of Economics and the migration of tradition

Originally published in The Review of Austrian Economics

On October 11–14, 2018 a group of seventeen scholars representing diverse disciplines of anthropology, economics, history, intellectual history, law, philosophy, political science, public policy, and sociology gathered at the University of Alberta’s Wirth Institute for Austrian and Central European Studies. The conference was made possible through the generous support of Alfred Wirth and the Mercatus Center at George Mason University, and was superbly organized by Joseph Patrouch, Director of the Wirth Center and his staff. The assistance of Ms. Karla Moran of the Mercatus Center is also gratefully acknowledged.

The conference sought to historically contextualize the Austrian School of Economics in its Viennese context and the migration of this intellectual tradition throughout Europe and the United States, and within a multiplicity of disciplines. It is our hope that the papers in this symposium serve as a catalyst in this ongoing conversation about the history and continuing relevance of the Austrian School of Economics.

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